Rogers Wireless (Rogers), a Canadian wireless voice and data communications service provider, announced that it has begun field trials of its 7.2 Mbps wireless data service. This trial was started after the expansion of its high-speed packet access (HSPA) network to 25 Canadian markets in October 2007. Roger’s network is the only HSPA network in Canada.

The trials in Brampton and Montreal utilize 3.5 generation wireless high speed packet access/universal mobile telecommunications system (HSPA/UMTS) technology, enabling a peak download speed of 7.2 Mbps.

Rogers is the first wireless provider in North America to trial peak speeds of 7.2 Mbps, and is among the top one percent of global system for mobile communications (GSM) carriers worldwide supporting this speed. Rogers has spent approximately $500m over the past two years to upgrade its wireless network in Canada.

The consumer appetite for mobile applications is undeniable in Canada and around the world, said Rob Bruce, president at Rogers Wireless. He added, The data speeds achieved in this trial will enable Rogers to meet our customers’ needs with the most advanced, innovative services today and in the future.

Rogers is continuing to trial, launch, and deliver innovative and reliable next generation wireless telecommunications services to Canadians, said Mark Goldberg, an industry analyst at Mark H Goldberg and Associates. He added, The availability of 3.5G mobile services in our own backyard keeps Canada at the front of the world stage with respect to telecommunications services and applications.

In April 2007, Rogers also introduced wireless video calling, a feature of Rogers Vision suite of services that runs on its HSPA network. Similarly, 3, Scandinavia’s HSPA network was upgraded by Ericsson to 7.2Mbps downlink speed and a 1.4Mbps uplink speed in September 2007.