The Electronic Commerce division of Rockwell International Corp has teamed up in an alliance with BrightWare Inc to integrate its call center systems with Brightware’s automated customer interaction software for the internet. Novato, California-based Brightware’s software will be integrated with Rockwell’s NT-based Call Center Command Server. The BrightWare software automatically answers free-form, natural language questions that customers can request either by entering them into a web page, or sending them via electronic mail. It then generates personalized, and informed answers relating to the specific policies and practices associated with the company that put in the original request. Under the terms of the agreement, the companies will work on a joint marketing initiative. The companies claim to share the opinion that call centers are evolving toward the internet, and believe they are perfectly positioned to capture new business in this up and coming space. Rockwell says the alliance enables it to bring new media into its call center activities.