Set-top system software company PowerTV believes cable giant Time Warner Inc is furthest along in its use of PowerTV OS-based set- tops, even so the systems integration work required has taken it two years (CI No 3,387). It says Time Warner has already upgraded 60% of its customers to the 750MHz 8600X or 220CFT ‘Pegasus’ set tops systems that are capable of supporting for two-way interactive programming. Time Warner is currently installing the headend equipment that will capture satellite-based broadcasting and distribute it over the cable network to local subscribers. There’s an internet gateway attached to each head-end to provide the digital web-based services. By the end of this year Time Warner will have headends installed in 100 major metropolitan centers in the US. That’s significant coverage given there are considered to be only 150 centers nationwide. The headends will be capable of delivering Time Warner’s so-called Roadrunner TV services which enable customers to access the web and download interactive applications to their set-tops. PowerTV believes the UK market will follow the US market in its adoption of set-top technologies and that the rest of Europe will follow the UK’s lead. Although more open to competition that the US, continued jockeying between digital satellite, digital terrestrial and two-way cable providers and the restructuring of operations and alliances means that in the UK, set-top horses and riders have not yet been brought under starter’s orders. PowerTV says it got on to some important shortlists including Telewest Communications but the work never materialized in the face of another restructuring of its digital satellite plans. A common specification for UK set-top technologies called New Horizon, similar to the US OpenCable consortium, was floated some time ago but melted away. PowerTV expects that initiative to get to the table again soon.