RM will supply almost 2000 notebooks to newly qualified and aspiring head teachers by 16th March 2001. The notebooks are 650MHz Pentium III machines and come with a colour printer, Internet for Learning, a number of software titles and a 3-hour demonstration session.

Commenting on the contract win, Richard Girling chief executive of RM said, ‘ we are delighted to have won this contract again. Not only is this a great scheme that encourages the use of ICT at the very head of school management, but it is also testament to RM’s philosophy of supplying value and service to the education sector.’

Owen Lynch, Chief Executive of Becta said, ‘Head teachers will use and appreciate any tool that can help them with a job that is becoming ever more complex. They will particularly appreciate tools that help them create and contribute to networks of peers in order to share and broaden experience. A fully featured portable computer is just such a powerful tool. I am delighted that, as part of the strategy for driving up standards, a significant number of head teachers are being supplied with the necessary means to network more effectively.