Computrac will be integrated with RM Educational Software, the group’s US subsidiary, with RM’s current international managing director relocating from Boston to Atlanta to oversee the integration and to run the new combined business. The combined business will be substantially larger than the group’s current US operation and provides a platform for further expansion in the southeastern US and beyond, according to RM.

Terry Sweeney, chief executive of RM, said: The US represents a significant development opportunity for RM and Computrac makes an excellent addition to the RM Group. We’ve already had significant success together selling RM’s software products and I’m excited by the opportunity of selling other RM products and intellectual property. This acquisition is a major step forward in our international expansion, bringing critical mass to our US presence.

Kevin Talentino, CEO of Computrac, said: We’ve found a great home with RM – they share our values and our commitment to providing the best technology for education and the best service for customers. Between us we’ve got the best whole-class teaching solutions; I’m confident that, working together, we can provide great products and services that really make a difference in the classroom – and grow the Computrac business in the process.