In this post-Sarbanes Oxley climate, businesses must make their financial information transparent to key stake holders. Extensible Business Reporting Language (XBRL) is quickly becoming the global standard for business reporting, a key step to this transparency, stated Rob Blake, vice president, product marketing at Rivet Software.

The Dragon Tag provides the first user-friendly application to both extend XBRL taxonomies and create XBRL documents based on existing Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel documents.

Dragon Tag also aims to help organizations lower adoption hurdles related to XBRL by offering support for the latest XBRL Specification (2.1) and XBRL taxonomies, review and validation features to help ensure accuracy prior to releasing or submitting XBRL documents and compliance with voluntary and mandated XBRL reporting requirements encountered by companies involved with XBRL regulatory filing initiatives.

Microsoft and Ernst & Young are among the first Dragon Tag customers currently leveraging the software for simplified XBRL reporting.