oneM2M has issued its Release 1 global standards, which aims to enable -to-machine (M2M) and the Internet of Things (IoT) applications to work with each other.

Over 200 member companies contributed to the specifications, which provide a standardised framework for communications between wireless-enabled devices.

The new standards cover architecture, security requirements, API specifications and mapping to industry protocols such as CoAP, MQTT and HTTP.

Dr Omar Elloumi, Head of M2M and Smart Grid Standards at Alcatel-Lucent and oneM2M Technical Plenary Chair, commented: "Release 1 utilises well-proven protocols to allow applications across industry segments to communicate with each other as never before – not only moving M2M forward but actually enabling the Internet of Things."

"Having such a set of specifications working together at the service layer to truly stitch M2M together will allow service providers to support applications and services across a range of industries. This opens up a whole new world – a future of seamless interaction to transform the way we all work and play in the future.

The new framework should help the proliferation of IoT, which is set to pick up speed in coming years. Gartner believes that more than 250 million connected cars will be on the roads by 2020.