The complaint against Handspring alleges that certain devices in the Treo Communicator series (Treo k180, Treo 270 and Treo 300) manufactured, marketed and sold by Handspring infringe the claims of a patent associated with unique keyboard features implemented in RIM’s BlackBerry handhelds.

The Good Technology complaint alleges that Good has engaged in misappropriation of trade secrets, breach of contract, tortious interference with contracts and prospective economic relations, unfair competition, unjust enrichment, breach of implied duty of good faith and fair dealing, and civil conspiracy. RIM is seeking an award of general, special and punitive damages for Good Technology’s unfair competitive acts as well as attorneys’ fees and costs to RIM.

In June 2002, RIM filed a separate lawsuit against Good Technology alleging that Good Technology’s wireless goods and services infringe on four RIM patents within RIM’s Wireless Integration Patent Portfolio. In July 2002, RIM filed an additional separate lawsuit against Good Technology alleging that Good Technology infringes on a portion of RIM’s Copyright Portfolio associated with the user interface on RIM’s line of BlackBerry Wireless Handhelds. In July 2002, RIM filed another separate lawsuit against Good Technology alleging that Good Technology has engaged in unfair competition, false advertising, trademark infringement and trademark dilution resulting in the unlawful use of the RIM and BlackBerry marks.

RIM is continuing its review of Good Technology’s goods and services to determine whether any other rights are violated.