RightNow has signed a definitive agreement to acquire Q-go.com, a natural language search service provider.

The move is expected to drive further growth for the company which is also increasing revenue and non-GAAP earnings guidance for the fourth quarter ended 31 December 2010.

The acquisition is expected to create a new session-based revenue opportunity, as RightNow expands from the support page to the home page.

RightNow CEO Greg Gianforte said the move will add approximately $8m in revenue for the 2011 fiscal year, and the company will also add approximately 60 new clients and 70 employees.

With the Q-go Natural Language Search technology, the new RightNow CX Intent Guide is expected to capture queries of the users, understand the intent, and match that to relevant content.

RightNow chief solutions officer David Vap said with the acquisition, RightNow CX can improve consumers’ online experiences, increase customer loyalty and drive sales.

RightNow CX Intent Guide and RightNow Natural Language Search will be available immediately following the acquisition and will be integrated into RightNow CX February 2011.