Reuters aims to implement a service orientated architecture (SOA) into its kondor+ system. By using Artix’s enterprise service bus (ESB) Reuters can securely support broad sets broad sets of heterogeneous platforms with an extensible plug-in architecture.

By incorporating Artix’s distributed, standards-based architecture, Reuters has enhanced the flexibility of its kondor+ application and made integration into customers’ existing IT infrastructure easier.

The integration of Artix into kondor+ version 3.0 was released to Reuters beta testing customers at the end of March 2006. The new technology builds a base from which advanced multi-entity services are offered to Reuters’ customers.

We had to ensure that the SOA enablement of kondor+ would seamlessly connect our customers’ back-end infrastructure with our new Web services based interfaces. In addition, Artix is technically robust and unique in its ability to securely support multiple platforms and protocols without requiring extensive re-engineering, said Remi Rabanel, Reuters product manager Global Architecture Risk Products.