Retix Inc, Santa Monica, California has a new version of its OpenServer 400 Unix software which enables coexistence between Open Systems Interconnection and TCP/IP-based networks. OpenServer 400 1.4 uses the RFC 1006 Internet standard that specifies the transport of OSI applications over TCP/IP networks. Retix claims version 1.4 enables users to implement enterprise-wide messaging without the need to change existing software and systems. The OpenServer 400 message server links different local area network messaging systems to each other, to mainframe and minicomputer-based systems, and to public mail networks that support X400. Version 1.4 has been designed to take advantage of the multi-tasking facilities available under Unix. It also enables simultaneous use of OSI and TCP/IP stacks on the same local area network adaptor, which means users with existing TCP/IP networks can employ OSI-based X400 messaging without eliminating their existing networks or incurring large implementation costs. OpenServer 400 1.4 for Santa Cruz Operation Inc Unix is priced from $6,000.