Novell Inc has finally produced the big restructuring that it has been planning and (sort of) denying for so long and which led to the departure of Tony Scrivens as UK managing director. In the new scheme, worldwide sales are divided into three regions each of which report to a new vice-president of worldwide sales. The man in that hot seat is Joseph Marengi, 39, formerly head of channel and OEM sales in US. Gregory Fallon, the incumbent international vice-president, gets shuffled to become vice-president of European sales where, says the company, he will continue to manage the emergence of a cross-border distribution model in Europe. It was only last July that Fallon professed his dislike of European umbrella organisations. Now Novell’s European offices report to him. He and the executives responsible for the Americas, Asia/Pacific and for a new worldwide major markets division report to Marengi, who himself reports to Mary Burnside, president of worldwide sales. And why the upheaval? The action is part of Novell’s transition to uniform customer-related programmes and support capabilities in countries around the world, declares the company, rather opaquely.