Reply Corp, of San Jose, California has a new OEM agreement with IBM, and under the terms, Reply will buy several IBM peripherals for installation in Reply Micro Channel systems: products covered by the agreement include the 16-bit PS/2 Micro Channel SCSI Adaptor which supports up to seven internal external SCSI devices, with a 6.6Mb per second Micro Channel data transfer rate and standard ANSI SCSI-1 interface; also included is the 32-bit PS/2 Micro Channel SCSI Adaptor with Cache which has 512Kb of cache memory and a data transfer rate of 13.3Mb per second; the coaxial cable attachment to 3270 controllers and host processors supports emulation of 3278 display station Model 2 and 3279 colour displays; the Token-Ring Network Adaptor has 64Kb of memory and it supports data rates of 4Mbps or 16Mbps and early token release; prices go from $1,800 to $6,000.