Sir Clive Thompson, Chief Executive of Rentokil Initial, said:

‘I am very pleased to report that following the major restructuring of the Company last year, trading in the first four months of this year has been good and ahead of our expectations with turnover in our continuing businesses up by 7.1% and operating profits for those businesses up by 9.0%.

Hygiene Services are up by 10.2% in turnover with a similarly strong growth in operating profits being helped by excellent performances in Continental Europe and sound growth in United Kingdom, Asia Pacific and Africa.

Turnover in Security Services increased by 3.9% with operating profits held back by the one-off cost of restructuring our Belgian cash-in-transit business, although elsewhere in Continental Europe trading was good. The United Kingdom grew well, whilst improved manpower availability in USA helped produce good growth in turnover and operating profits.

Pest Control Services increased turnover by 4.4% with good growth in operating profits arising from excellent results in Continental Europe, Asia Pacific and Africa and sound performances in United Kingdom and North America.

Tropical Plants Services are up by 32.5% in turnover, largely due to the inclusion of a large US acquisition made in the second half of 2000. Conversely, operating profits were held back by re-organisation and integration costs and the inclusion of this acquisition’s first half loss-making branches. This last issue will be progressively corrected over the next twelve months. Continental Europe showed strong growth in turnover and operating profits with United Kingdom, Asia Pacific and Africa producing a solid performance.

Conferencing turnover was up 14.9% with good growth in operating profits slowed by the impact of FRS15 (which now requires the depreciation of listed properties) and start up costs of new sites. Parcels Delivery was up 29.4% in turnover with similarly strong growth in operating profits: the result of winning new business and productivity improvements obtained from our new distribution hub. In Facilities Management, as previously reported, turnover in the first half of 2000 included the remnants of two large contracts lost in 1999. Consequently, we expected turnover to fall but this was restricted to 4.2%. Improved margins led to operating profits only slightly lower than in 2000. With the continuing success in winning new contracts we expect trading to start to move ahead in the second half of 2001.

Cash generation has been in line with our expectations. We have purchased 120 million shares this year, during the period 1st March until today, at a cost of GBP236 million in our buy back programme, the bulk of which was purchased in March.

Prospects for 2001

We expect the favourable trends exhibited in the first four months to broadly continue throughout the year.

Our new business model introduced in the second half of last year has resulted in strong improvements in management performance. This new model involves revised budgeting procedures, new incentives, and a greater concentration upon sales and service productivity using new technology. Increased geographic density of customers, in order further to improve productivity, is a specific priority. e-Business initiatives have been launched into service, sales and procurement. As a consequence, and despite the competitive pricing environment, these actions, together with bolt-on acquisitions, are leading to accelerating turnover growth and improved operating margin. Our concentration on bolt-on acquisitions will continue to be directed towards Hygiene and Security, primarily in North America, UK and Continental Europe.

We expect to generate strong free cash flow before acquisitions, dividends and share buy-back.

Major changes in the Company in 2000 have led to this improving trading performance which, when linked to the benefits to date of our share buy-back programme, should produce strong earnings per share growth in 2001 over the 11.71p achieved in 2000.’