The same source reports that a set of graphics boards to enhance the performance of Microsoft Windows on current Personals is on the way from Renaissance GRX Inc of Bellevue, Washington. The company plans three boards, ranging in price from about $300 to $1,000, and Renaissance chief executive – and former head of the Microsoft hardware division – Bill Roland, describes one of the custom chips for the board set as a Windows engine. According to Roland, the mid-price Legacy model will run Windows two to six times faster than a system without it. The $1,000 version model uses a Texas Instruments TI34010 graphics signal processor to achieve speeds on an IBM Personal that are twice as fast as Windows is now on an 8MHz Personal AT. Due shortly, all the boards will be compatible with the monochrome adaptor, CGA, EGA, Hercules standard, and EGA Plus, and will work with all monitors.