The companies said they are submitting both protocol and policy assertions. The co-authors also proposed a technical committee and charter to enable further review and industry collaboration on the proposed standard.

WS-RM is designed to ensure the reliability of messages, helping to ensure, for example, that messages are not lost or duplicated, and that they arrive in the right order. It is a key ingredient for the robust and scalable building of web services-based applications, and one that until now has been largely missing in a standard form. Various vendors have had to compromise on the issue by adding some of their own proprietary messaging technology to their platforms for web services development and deployment.

WS-RM has received good industry support, with organizations including Actional, Adobe, Arjuna, Blue Titan, Choreology, Ericsson, Iona, OAGi, Reactivity, Sonic Software, Sun Microsystems, Systinet, webMethods, the UK government and the University of North Carolina, all throwing their weight behind it, in addition to the four co-authors.

Karla Norsworthy, vice president of software standards at IBM, said: With this technology, delivery of messages between partners, suppliers, and customers can be assured in an efficient and scalable way that will support both enterprise-level applications utilizing middleware and simpler point-to-point applications. With the submission to Oasis, we look forward to further industry contributions and adoption.