Identity Force provides a complete identity theft and fraud prevention risk analysis, full policy and procedure creation, and multi-media training and support designed to bring an organization into compliance with Red Flags Rule regulations.

RelayHealth’s RevRunner provides hospitals with technology designed to aid identity verification, identity validation, and fraud detection. By coupling the technology of RelayHealth patient identification services with Identity Force’s comprehensive identity theft protection services, hospitals can be confident that they are taking proactive steps to both protect their patients from identity theft and comply with federal regulations, said the company.

Jim Bodenbender, president of provider and consumer solutions at RelayHealth, said: “It is evident that hospitals are struggling to comply with Red Flags Rule. RelayHealth gives hospitals a trusted business partner that can help hospitals develop policies and procedures, train staff, adopt technology to pro-actively detect or prevent identity theft, and provide ongoing support. The consumer is the ultimate beneficiary.”

The Red Flags Rule, developed as part of the Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act of 2003 (FACTA), requires financial institutions and creditors to implement written programs to spot warning signs or red flags of identity theft in their daily operations, and take steps to prevent the crime and mitigate damage.