Relational Technology Inc yesterday accompanied the UK launch of Ingres Release 6 with the revelation that it is part of a planned Cooperative Systems Architecture environment. This is Relational’s answer to emerging user demands for a system that looks, feel and act like one system, regardless of its components. Ingres 6 can be networked through Unix, VMS IBM MVS and VM operating systems, IMS, DB2, SQL/DS, RDB and other Ingres databases, as well as supporting X-Window, Presentation Manager, the Open Software Foundation’s Motif and AT&T’s Open Look user interfaces – in any combination – through a plethora of gateways and network protocols developed by the Alameda, California based company over the last two years. One Ingres interface is pres ented throughout the system, and pro grams written using Ingres tools can be stored in and accessed from any part of the system, not just the local oper ating system. Ingres 6 supersedes both Ingres/Net and Ingres/Star and custom ers can buy the various bits and pieces for their individual systems – which fit on top Ingres 6 – from June. Ing res 6 hit the US in December but the new Architecture is not due there until April. 90% of Ingres was rewritten for the major new effort, which cost $20m.