Workers made redundant by Amper Telematica SA in May who began camping outside the company’s head office in Madrid are still there. The redundancy of the 214 workers was just another that Amper SA, one of Spain’s most important telecommunications groups, has had to declare at Amper Telemtaica, its telematics subsidiary which went into receivership earlier this year (CI No 2,398). From a workforce of 1,400 two year ago, a little more than 200 remain. When the unhappy campers were laid off on May 20, they barricaded themselves inside the factory and had to be removed by police. It was at this point they began to camp outside the main gates of the company and, reports El Pais, most are still there. They claim the company has plenty of work to be done, so there was no need to lay them off, and in addition to this, they maintain that Amper owes them three monthly pay packets from 1993, two from 1994, plus a large part of their redundancy pay-off.