Yishan Wong has stepped down as Reddit CEO following a disagreement with the board concerning a new office. Business partnerships strategist Ellen Pao has been appointed interim CEO.

Reddit adviser and key investor Sam Altman said: "The reason was a disagreement with the board about a new office (location and amount of money to spend on a lease).

"To be clear, though, we didn’t ask or suggest that he resign — he decided to when we didn’t approve the new office plan."

The social news site said in a statement: "We are grateful for his contributions over the last few years, including growing reddit from 35M to 174M, and we have a team in place to ensure that reddit’s best years are still ahead of it."

"Ellen Pao is stepping in as interim CEO and has already shown tremendous capability + poise over the last two years holding the #2 role at the company.

Pao has been running operations for the overall company and has been responsible for the development of the mobile team, snapping up Alien Blue and delivering the AMA app.

Reddit has now decided to shift its office to San Francisco. All of the RedditGifts team will be moving there and be lead by Dan McComas.