Oracle Corp has joined forces with Red Hat Inc to certify Oracle 8i on Red Hat Linux and to assure customers that future Oracle products will be certified for use on Red Hat Linux as soon as they are released. Red Hat developers that register at the web site will also be eligible for a promotional offering of Oracle8i. The partners say they intend to bring developers and ISVs the solid infrastructure they need to build enterprise-class applications on the net. Look for education and enablement programs later this year, including webcasts, regional seminars and special training offers.

This promotion is a logical extension of our relationship with Red Hat, said Oracle’s Michael Rocha, a senior VP with the platform Technologies Division. In some ways, the two companies are a natural fit. Both would like to see the emergence of a strong, industry-supported alternative to Microsoft Corp’s Windows NT as an enterprise server platform. CEOs Bob Young and Larry Ellison share a gift for self-promotion. Whether Oracle will ever follow Red Hat’s example and publish the source code to its own software, however, remains to be seen.