Red Brick Systems Inc is also offering query processing templates for data warehousing that it said will enable data processing managers to develop, test, and deploy pilot data warehouse applications. The templates are designed for the retail, telecommunications, financial services and healthcare industries. They are compatible with Oracle, Informix, DB2, and Sybase, according to Ken Nicolson, director of marketing. The templates enable potential database users to target data warehouse data they might want access to and plan out warehouse models for a full system before actually setting up the system. Template components include a set of sample business questions, schema design, SQL statements for sample business questions, logical-physical data models and entity-attribute description documentation. Users can identify source data to populate the database, install files onto a Red Brick warehouse server, create an empty data warehouse and use an entry tool to load data and use the warehouse to answer sample business questions. The templates are available as part of a pilot data warehouse programme and are not sold separately. Red Brick runs on Unix systems from IBM Corp, Hewlett-Packard Co, Sun Microsystems Inc, Unisys Corp, AT&T Global Information Solutions, Sequent Computer Systems Inc and Digital Equipment Corp.