Open source applications provider Red Hat has releases JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 6 that helps enterprises move their application development and deployment to the cloud.

The new platform is a run-time engine that drives Java workloads in Red Hat OpenShift, Red Hat’s Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) application.

JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 6 features a new cloud-ready architecture, improved management capabilities and enhanced usability that will enterprises and their developers decrease time-to-market for application delivery and reduce operational costs.

The new application is based on a modular set of services that are dynamically allocated based on the needs of the deployed applications, providing application isolation and preventing issues with classes and dependencies associated with older application server architectures.

Red Hat’s new platform also enables developers to programmatically manage applications and automate application deployment processes. It can be deployed on premises or in private or public clouds.

JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 6 is optimised for multi-core and virtualised systems and offers enhanced resource utilisation and port management.

It also supports Java EE 6, several Java Virtual Machine (JVM)-based frameworks as well as different open source development tools.