By William Fellows
The Real Time Java Working Group, the so-called Java Splinter group, says it may eventually turn its specification over to Sun Microsystems Inc’s own real-time Java experts group, which is being lead by IBM Corp. That’s if it can’t convince NCITS the National Committee for Information Technology Standardization to sponsor the standard. NCITS has already voted once not to adopt the RTJWG specification for standardization (CI No 3,577). The NCITS R1 ad-hoc committee headed NewMonics Inc CTO Kelvin Nilsen says it is still exploring the best way to turn our technology [the draft strawman RTJWG spec] into a public specification. What we are working on is significantly different from anything that exists today. The draft specification should offer performance that approaches that of C or C++, with only minimal implementation effort. As such it may end up as a description of a particular profile: For example, we may up calling this specification the minimal latency, maximal throughput profile. It says implementations of the draft spec will not infringe on Sun’s IP.