Watford, Hertfordshire-based Real Time Control Plc has reported yet another year of record results for both sales and profitability. Pre-tax profits at the software development company, which supplies and services systems for retail electronic point of sale equipment, were up 28.5% to ú1.8m and turnover rose 57.6% to ú13.5m. To reflect this success the company is paying a dividend of 4.5 pence, a ha’penny up from last year’s. The company said it has capitalised on a strong order book from the beginning of the year to achieve these figures. A significant contribution came from the first, and successful, installation of one of its Unix-based retail management systems in a large department store – it does not say which. During the year it also launched Windows-based software for retailers and a range of interactive terminals for use in shops. But despite the success, the company is as cautious as ever, explaining that although the retail sector continues to offer long-term growth opportunities, it’s a market characterised by uneven demand throughout the year. During this financial year it expects sales to be concentrated in the second half year, the complete reverse of this year where at mid-term it had already gained the bulk of its yearly pre-tax profits (CI No 2,560), a trend it had correctly predicted. But with its retail management system out in the market, the company is confident that next year it will still be reporting progress.