RDI Computer Corp, San Diego, California, has been slapped with a temporary restraining order that prohibits it from selling or even demonstrating – the Apple Computer Inc Macintosh System emulation on its BriteLite Sparc-based laptop. Xcelerated Inc, the software company that says it developed the Mac piece that RDI calls Companion, also got the California Federal District Court to order RDI to turn over all copies of Companion to Xcelerated and to give Xcelerated the name, address and phone number of everyone that has a copy of Companion. Xcelerated is charging RDI with copyright infringement, misappropriation of trade secrets and unfair competition. Xcelerated vice-president of engineering Bob Kleinschmidt told our sister paper Unigram.X that his company had provided RDI with a prototype for demonstration but that no business deal was ever negotiated. A hearing on the injunction was set for this week.