Razorfish was responsible for developing and implementing the user interface of the mobile service and the marketing website. Sonera zed ltd is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Finnish telecommunications group, Sonera Corporation.

The zed for business service allows users to gain access to their corporate applications. The user can utilize e-mail, personal and corporate calendars and contact databases via the Internet and any WAP compatible apparatus, such as mobile phones or other hand-held wireless devices. Zed for business is designed to provide personal and company productivity tools and content including a translation dictionary, residential and business address searching, SMS messaging, current business news and weather.

Creating a mobile portal that can be used both on the Internet and with WAP phones or PDAs is a very challenging endeavor, said Ville Mujunen, head of concept for Sonera zed. We have enjoyed working with Razorfish on this project as it has made for a very collaborative and efficient outcome. Most importantly, Razorfish was able to provide us with a cost-effective and timely product that met all of our needs.

The service can be implemented quickly and is built on open standards, making it easy to integrate into corporate applications. With accessible functions, the service provides a feature that enables customers access to their company email inbox within approximately fifteen seconds with a WAP-based phone. Furthermore, zed for business customers do not have to make any additional commitment to any particular operator or network. The service has been launched in the UK and Finland.

It has been a fascinating experience to work with Sonera zed on the development of this worldwide online brand, said Sami Kettunen, client partner for Razorfish. Razorfish rose to the challenges that the project demanded and as a result, created a highly user-focused service for demanding business users.