Signalling its entry into the microcomputer market, Rapid Recall Ltd has signed a distributorship deal with Intel UK covering 33MHz, 20MHz and 16MHz versions of the company’s 80386 motherboards and systems. Rapid Recall believes that manufacturers will increasingly move to integrating from board rather than chip-level up; initial targets will be members of Rapid’s Insignia systems OEM programme. Stressing the flexibility of the offering, Rapid chief Jim White said that a range of peripherals, together with Santa Cruz Operation’s Xenix operating system could be configured with the board, if required. He was also quick to play up the company’s support and technical services, claiming a key advantage over the current market’s numerous weak players. Services include a support hot-line, and a technical support engineer to field sales staff ratio of 1.6 to 1 respectively. Both sides appeared unwilling to disclose the origins of the deal, which builds on a number of existing franchise agreements between the two companies. However, Rapid Recall’s recent acquisition by the French distributor, Metrologie SA, was deemed to be a factor. Intel has a twoyear old, lucrative agreement with Metrologie, covering identical 80386 products on the continent. A Rapid spokesman indicated that the firm is aiming to generate UKP625,000 worth of sales by December, rising to UKP1.5m by next June. The figure recouped by Intel is put at some 60%, but varies upon additional OEM requirements.