Rapid Recall Ltd, DEC’s largest European distributor, got the month off to a good start with the launch of Rapid Solutions, a new division set up in answer to customer demand for value added services. It will combine the skills and services previously provided by the Terminals and Solutions divisions to give the group’s commercial user base advice on system consultancy and support, training and problem solving. Rapid Recall also announced the centralisation of its project management, consultancy, programming and software configuration and training services including an engineering group dealing in the maintenance and service areas. It expects the new group to bring in between UKP20m and UKP25m in turnover during the first year, accounting for around 50% of the company’s total UKP50m sales. Rapid Solutions currently employs 62 sales and marketing staff in addition to the 24 who deal with value added services. It intends to recriut another 200 to the group in the next two years. High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire-based Rapid has seen a growth of between 20% and 30% per year over the past few years and forecasts similar things for its latest venture. Rapid Solutions will deal with computer systems, add-ons and application software as well as turnkey systems based on IBM – who ranks Rapid, one of 40 qualified systems centres, in its list of top 20 dealers – DEC and Hewlett-Packard platforms.