Rank-Xerox has released the Gold Series version of the Xerox Ventura Publisher software which combines the formerly separate Base Product, Professional Extension, and Network Server of Version 2.0. The new software supports 3Com, Novell, PC Net, Expanded Memory and Read Only File/Stylesheets Support. Apart from a GEM Windows 3 version under MS-DOS, Presentation Manager 1.2 under OS/2, and a Macintosh version due in the third quarter, Sun Microsystems and Xerox have also announced that a version under Unix will be available in the second half of 1991. DOS/GEM requires an 80286-based AT-bus machine with 640Kb memory, a 10Mb hard disk – although 40Mb is recommended – MS-DOS Version 3.1 or above, a mouse or pointing device, and graphics display with controller. The Windows edition needs a minimum 80386 personal computer with 3Mb minimum memory, a 20Mb hard disk, MS-DOS 3.1 and Windows 3.1 or higher. As with the other two versions, the OS/2 Edition needs an 80286 or 80386 personal computer, 6Mb recommended memory, a minimum 20Mb hard disk, and OS/2 Presentation Manager Version 1.2 or above. New features in all editions include improved graphics filters, footnotes, cross referencing, improved table handling and enhanced equations. The Gold Series is UKP800, and upgrades start at UKP85.