Nvidia said that Rambus, a provider of memory interface technology, is dropping one-third of its patent infringement claims against the visual computing technology company.

Rambus, filed a compliant with the International Trade Commission (ITC) in November 2008, alleging that Nvidia has infringed its patents involving memory controllers related to graphics processors.

According to Nvidia, Rambus has asked an ITC administrative law judge to terminate the investigations related to four of its nine patents, conceding that Nvidia products did not violate Rambus’ patents.    

Rambus has also requested the termination of several claims related to its fifth patent.

David Shannon, executive vice president and general counsel at Nvidia, said:  “We are pleased Rambus has recognised the weakness of these patents and claims. These withdrawals represent essentially half of the patents and one third of the claims asserted against us and we look forward to addressing the remainder of the case.”

The current ITC litigation involves memory controllers related to graphics processors. On June 2, 2009, NVIDIA announced that the US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) had rejected 41 claims, in seven patents, which Rambus had asserted in the ITC action against the company.