Database developer Raima Corp of Belleview, Washington will introduce Raima Database Server, a relational database for Unix and Microsoft Corp’s Windows NT next week. The little-known company, which has until now carved a niche for itself among C developers with Data Manager, its existing technical database offering, is aiming for the corporate transaction processing market and competition against the big database companies Oracle Systems Corp, Informix Software Inc and Sybase Inc. Raima Database Server supports a variety of network protocols including SPX/IPX, TCP/IP, Novell Inc’s NetWare and Microsoft’s LAN Manager, and it runs under IBM Corp’s OS/2, AIX, Sun Microsystems Inc’s Solaris, Santa Cruz Operation Inc Unix and Windows NT from next week. It will also support Microsoft Corp’s Open Data Base Connectivity driver, which enables third party products to hook into the database. Raima has also released Object Manager, a set of C++ class libraries for object-oriented application development and object database management. Both products will be available from the end of the month, but no prices were given. The company was negotiating a joint UK company with Systemstar Ltd of Hertford last year (CI No 2,008).