Radius Plc, headquartered in Hull has diversified fast from its roots as a Texas Instruments minicomputer reseller, and has now created a new company, Radius Computer Services Ltd, by merging together its two acquisitions MGB Computer Services Ltd and Systemsolve (Computer Services) Ltd. The new company will be based in Hemel Hempstead and, as befits its parentage, it will be a software house focussed exclusively on the ICL market. MGB, acquired in June 1988, is a systems house with a customer base in the commercial, manufacturing, retailing and public sectors; while Systemsolve, acquired in March 1989, specialises in the supply of software and related services to the ICL customer base and to ICL itself. In particular Systemsolve has a strong presence in the local government market and is also involved in large scale product development in conjunction with ICL. Following the merger, the new Radius Computer Services will have over 300 staff working from six regional offices serving an installed customer base of over 600 ICL mainframes.