Hull-based Radius Plc reviewed its year-end figures yesterday, putting the slowing rate of growth in per share earnings – 20% against 38% last year – down to the acquisitions of Slinn Computer Group and MGB Computer Systems. While regarding the results as satisfactory, chairman Edward Sharp admitted that some parts of the Radius group need improving. Since December 1988 Radius Plc has acted as a holding company for Radius Systems Ltd, Radius Computer Maintenance Ltd, Radius-CBSL Ltd, Radius Commercial Systems Ltd, and recently acquired Slinn Computer Group Ltd and MGB Computer Services Ltd. Sharp is particularly unhappy with the performance of Radius Commercial Systems, which should now be marketing Data General Unix systems. He claimed that Data General’s Unix range is coming out much later than expected and although business opportunities are still there, the delay has led to frustration. Sharp believes future expansion will be achieved by more acquisitions, primarily to support his recent purchases.