The Radio Shack retail stores division of Tandy Corp in the US has added its own versions of the compact desktops, 16MHz and 33MHz 80386 machines and an 80286 lap-top: the last is called the Tandy 2800 HD and has switchable clock speeds of 12MHz or 6MHz, 1Mb internal memory; a 20Mb hard drive; 1.44Mb floppy and an 8.6 by 9.1 back-lit, EGA-compatible LCD screen and is under 12 lbs 8 oz; it costs $3,500 and the 80286 and 80386SX compacts are the same prices as the GRiDs, the slow 80386 4016 DX is $3,000, the fast 4033 LX is $6,000.