Radiant Logic Inc of Novato, California, has introduced RadiantOne, a virtual directory server (VDS) based on LDAP, XML and SQL. The VDS provides a directory view to multiple database sources without requiring synchronization. Instead of storing data, it stores the addresses of data records. When the directory receives a request, it reformats and reroutes the query to the person or application that requested it. We’ve created a method to create views of back-end data and give each of those views an industry standard address, explained COO Jim D’Arezzo. We call the addresses IRLs – information resource locators. We’ve taken that core data developed in a client/server environment to be inwardly focused and abstracted that whole layer, so that now you have a directory of addresses of data views. The VDS becomes a hub for data views that all applications can use. The product will be available in January 2000 from $50,000.