Racal Electronics Plc, which is due to report year-end figures today, said yesterday that its Government Data Network is expanding, adding new departments and subscribers following technical initiatives and new government business. Over the past year the business, part of the network services division, raised the number of government departments it served by 12 to 33, Racal said, noting that it now links 60,000 terminals compared with about 50,000 at the end of Racal’s last financialyear. The network services group lost UKP14.4m in the year to March 1991, but losses have been reducing and analysts believe it should have broken even in the year just ended. Racal said launch of two new access methods was aimed at broadening the base. In 12 months traffic on the system has risen 41% with around 20,000 data calls an hour logged during peak periods. A new system enables departments to make multiple connections from the same site on one leased line. New business from the Employment Service will add around 1,000 new access points over the next two years to the 3,100 now.