Qwest also has the opportunity to expand into an additional 22,000 Texaco and Shell branded service stations operated by independent dealers and distributors.

The phone cards will include pictures of missing children in an effort to increase awareness and recover them through the Child Watch of North America nationwide charity. A portion of all phone card sales will be donated to the organization.

This deal provides a unique opportunity to provide Qwest calling services to consumers across the U.S., said Jim Smith, executive vice president of small business and consumer markets for Qwest. We are pleased to be working with Texaco and Shell branded service stations and to be able to support such an important cause to find and recover missing children through our co-branded Child Watch of North America Phone Cards.

The prepaid phone cards look like a credit card and function much like a traditional calling card. They are pre-programmed with a fixed number of long-distance units that can be used to place domestic and international calls from any touch-tone phone.

Prepaid cards are a cost-effective option for Texaco and Shell customers because they can use the cards as a low cost way to budget for long distance calls. In addition, the cards are easy to use from any location at anytime. They also provide convenience to customers (no coins needed) and an opportunity for them to contribute to a national charity.

Co-branding the phone cards with Qwest and Child Watch of North America – an organization we feel very strongly about – provides an added benefit to our customers through our company-owned Texaco and Shell branded locations, said Daniel R. Little, general manager, merchandising, for the Shell and Texaco brands.