With eSPC, Quickie can collect its suppliers’ quality data directly from the shop floor into a centralized database. The system applies proven statistical methods for quality control to this data for comprehensive, real-time analysis. It detects quality issues during production and sends instant alarms to key personnel so that they can address these issues before defects are produced.

This software is the next generation of InfinityQS’ shop-floor statistical process control, or SPC, software, which is currently installed in over 2,000 manufacturing facilities worldwide.

Quickie has implemented eSPC with its suppliers throughout the US and worldwide to enable real-time data sharing. Quickie’s goal is to improve supply chain communication, quality and performance, and the company plans to implement the solution with more of its suppliers throughout the remainder of 2007.

As all data is written to one secure database, Quickie has instantaneous access to lot quality, supplier-to-supplier comparisons, lot-to-lot comparisons, and lot verification. Suppliers cannot view each other’s data because of the ‘container’ technology that eSPC employs, which puts each supplier’s data into its own bucket within the database for security purposes.