Santa Monica, California-based Quarterdeck Office Systems Inc says it is now shipping its long-awaited MS-DOS version of the X Window System. Desqview/X turns MS-DOS text-based programs into X Window clients; the MS-DOS program can run locally or as a remote process with the actual application residing on a remote workstation. And an MS-DOS machine running Desqview/X can display X Window applications. The program was originally supposed to ship in the autumn of 1990, Microbytes Daily notes; Myers told a BYTEweek reporter last August that Quarterdeck would ship Desqview/X in October 1991. Quarterdeck now says the delays were the result of adding new features requested by developers. Last August, it said it planned to incorporate scalable font technology from Adobe Systems Inc and support for shared MS-DOS extenders through an agreement with Rational Systems Inc. Getting Microsoft Windows to run remotely on a Sun Microsystems Inc workstation was seen as the last step in the development effort.