The complaint, filed in the federal court in San Diego, seeks an injunction prohibiting Broadcom’s continued use of Qualcomm’s intellectual property and asks for damages.

Qualcomm said the new lawsuit is the third intellectual-property-infringement case it has brought against Broadcom, and so far it has asserted infringement by Broadcom of 10 of its patents. The first trial is scheduled to occur in January 2007.

For its part, Broadcom has a hearing at the US International Trade Commission on the alleged infringement of three Broadcom patents by Qualcomm. To date, Broadcom has alleged that Qualcomm’s baseband, RF and power management products infringe 18 different Broadcom patents.

Broadcom has also filed an antitrust suit against Qualcomm and has joined five other mobile wireless technology companies in filing complaints with the European Commission alleging that Qualcomm has engaged in anticompetitive conduct in the licensing of its patents and the sale of its chipsets for mobile wireless devices and systems.

They allege that Qualcomm is violating EU competition law and failing to meet the commitments it made to international standard bodies to license its technology on fair, reasonable, and non-discriminatory terms.