QSC’s CEO, Bernd Schlobohm, is delighted: This exponential increase is testimony to our leading position in the German market for DSL services. It is also a direct result of our competitive advantage: a nationwide network, covering Germany’s 40 largest cities, coupled with an average installation time of only 4 weeks. This sets us apart from our competitors in the German DSL market – which our customers have really come to appreciate, judging from our first quarter results. I am confident that we are on the right track with our range of DSL products, and that this positive trend is set to continue.

First quarter revenues were boosted by over 10,000 lines sold. QSC expects to sell between 40,000 to 50,000 DSL lines in the current financial year. A general contract, in which RWE Powerline and mediaWays made a binding commitment to order more than 9,000 DSL connections, was signed last month. The contract runs for a period of three years, and more than 1,000 lines will generate revenues in the remaining financial year.

The successful launch of QSC-business-DSL, a new service targeted directly at business customers, is expected to contribute significantly to the revenues in the current financial year. QSC-business-DSL, the company’s first own end-user DSL product, is expected to exhibit strong sales potential. To date, QSC had been marketing its DSL access service exclusively through resellers. QSC-business-DSL was introduced to the retail trade at CeBIT 2001 and is now selling well throughout Germany.