Meshine, fruit of a two-and-a-half-year research and development effort at Mountain View, California-based Pyramid Technology Corp, sees the light of day at the CeBit Hannover Fair next month, renamed as the Reliant RM1000, Unigram reports. The name retains Pyramid’s Reliant tag – already used on its high-availability servers – and combines it with the RM prefix used by Pyramid’s prospective new parent, Siemens-Nixdorf Informationssysteme AG, making it the first joint product line. Reliant RM1000 accommodates up to a theoretical 4,000 MIPS R4400s and uses backplane technology already hosted in Pyramid’s Nile servers. Its mesh interconnects each processor to both the storage and interprocess communications channels. Pyramid boasts Reliants will surpass the power of IBM Corp’s most powerful Sysplex mainframes. Full production begins in the second quarter, prices go from $200,000 with four CPUs and 16Gb disk.