Pulse Services, the fourth party maintenance company based in Newport, South Wales – it handles repairs of equipment for third party maintenance firms – expects to see its turnover double in a year. Advanced Technology Maintenance acquired the company in March last year to complement its third party operations. Fourth party maintenance is a fairly new market in the UK and continental Europe, it has only really got under way in the last year – in the US it has a more developed market. Pulse provides repair and refurbishment services for products from companies such as Maxtor and Seagate. Its range includes high capacity disk drives, floppy drives, tape streamers and laser printers. Personal computer keyboards, optical disks and monitors are soon to be added to the list. The company fills the maintenance gap for these products when their warranties expire, using expert skills and equipment. Pulse, which already has two agencies in Germany and France, is seeking to expand on the continent to help push up turnover which currently stands at around UKP2.5m.