Streaming media specialist Progressive Networks Inc has added a number of new features to its Realvideo Internet video product. The company has signed up 36 content partners, including, CBS/Sportsline, FOX News and ESPNSportsbeat to provide Realaudio and Realvideo programming via new ‘destination buttons’. Realplayer 4.0 will offer one-click access to more than 35 audio and video programs, which are updated daily or periodically throughout the day. After downloading Realplayer 4.0 users can choose their favorite programming and customize their destination buttons on their Realplayer. Also in the product is a new stream thinning function that dynamically adjusts the video frame rates to avoid disturbances and ensure continuation during Internet congestion and smart networking which automatically delivers audio and video streams via the most efficient network protocol and gives users behind corporate firewalls access to Realaudio and Realvideo.