Progress Software Corp, Bedford, Massachusetts is to add an interface gateway to Version 6 of its Progress fourth generation language, giving it access to DEC’s Rdb/VMS relational database management system. The new version, due for release in the second quarter of next year, will also support Oracle Corp’s Oracle database and will transparently read and write DEC RMS files. Progress will continue to be offered with its own database system as well. The move should make Progress the first generator to run across RDB, RMS and Oracle for all DEC environments, allowing distributed applications across VAX/VMS, VAX/Ultrix and RISC/Ultrix operating systems. Progress supports ANSI standard SQL, and will interface with Rdb through DEC’s Rdb SQL. As well as its own Data Dictionary, Progress will also support DEC’s Common Data Dictionary, CDD/Plus, and native DEC editors such as EDT. The Progress Rdb Gateway, available as a front-end application development module, will cost from $2,550 to $115,000 depending on the processor, and will be available, with Version 6, in the second quarter of the year.