Based on the Apama complex event processing (CEP) platform, the Apama capital markets framework comprises the Apama Algo trading accelerator and a range of new trading capabilities that include the new Apama risk firewall, which offers support for real-time market risk management within trading applications, said Progress Software.

In addition to the risk firewall, the new Apama capital markets framework includes a number of prebuilt trading algorithms, a sample trading direct market access dashboard, a deployment framework, and Apama rapid application development and deployment tools, which support business users and IT developers alike, added Progress Software.

John Bates, founder and general manager of Apama at Progress Software, said: The Apama capital markets framework arose from our considerable experience in building real-time trading, risk management and compliance applications. That experience is reflected in the new risk firewall, which provides traders with the ability to deliver real-time risk evaluations that could pre-empt trades that exceed their firm’s market risk tolerance. Such capabilities are critical to trading effectively in today’s volatile markets.