Framingham, Massachusetts-based Process Software Corp has announced development plans for a World Wide Web server product for Windows NT and future Win32 systems such as Windows95. The company has signed a licensing agreement with Edinburgh University Computer Services, headquarters of the European Microsoft Windows NT Academic Centre. Based in Edinburgh, Scotland, European Microsoft Windows NT Academic Centre is funded by Microsoft and other vendors with a vested interest in Windows NT. Under the terms of the agreement, Process Software will license World Wide Web software from Edinburgh University Computer Services for use in the development of a Web server for Windows NT, which is scheduled for release shortly. In addition, the two organisations have agreed joint development of future Internet and Web-related applications to enable users to integrate their TCP/IP networking applications and leverage their investment in Win32. Using the Edinburgh University Computer Services software, Process Software says it will develop a commercial Web server for Windows NT that will provide users with a high level of functionality and ease-of-use, including security access configuration, full logging facilities, and Hypertext Markup Language production facilities. The company adds that its product will address key features not found in public domain servers, with configurable security options, proxy support for firewalls, and extensive customer support. The Web server product will also support all appropriate technical and industry standards. Details of Process Software’s Web Server product, including functionality, features, and pricing, will be available in a few weeks, and the beta test programme is set to begin this month. A version for Windows95 is promised as soon as it is has available.