The agreement comes as hospital executives are viewing RFID based Hospital Asset Tracking as a critical tool in locating valuable assets throughout a hospital in real time.

The combination of Pro Squared’s RFID solutions and Parco’s tracking technologies will aim to provide the tracking required to form smart clinical care environments, a process where many routine processes are automated for hospital clinicians.

The ability to track tagged assets with greater precision saves money and creates a powerful tool for automating many routine processes when certain conditions are met, for example when an IV pump and patient come together, explained Raphael Feldman, president of Pro Squared. When these conditions present themselves in the post anesthesia recovery room Pro Squared can time stamp the event, note the in-use status of the IV pump, assign it to the patient’s record, and continue the billing event until the patient and pump separate.

Additionally, Pro Squared will provide deployment and integration services for Parco. It will also deploy solutions and provide post installation support on a maintenance contract basis.

Pro Squared will continue to develop add on process modules to the existing solution to further enhance hospital utilization of equipment, in the hope of saving hospitals additional money and time.