Cupertino, California-based Prism Solutions Inc has updated its Prism Warehouse Manager and is now shipping the Directory Manager (CI No 2,583 ). Prism Warehouse Manager 4.2 is said to automate the extraction and transformation – scrubbing – of data from legacy applications into target databases. Prism claims that it has added 30 new features in the release, including re-usable objects such as table layouts, mappings, business rules and global parameters used in other Prism Cobol programs. Capture variable definitions now import storage definitions and user exit parameters as meta data and there’s a new DB2 Direct Read element. Additional target databases supported are Informix, Rdb and Teradata; Informix can also be used as a source database. The Prism Directory Manager manipulates meta data into an information directory, which manages relationships between entities, provides tools for customising views and exports selected meta data to those tools. Its directory navigator provides point and click navigation of the meta data. The Directory Manager is up on Sybase, with Oracle support planned for June and DB2 by the end of the summer. Informix, Tandem and Teradata support is promised later in the year. Directory manager is from $35,000; the Warehouse Manager is from $130,000.